Compiling to Categories Ok, here's my equation for the solver, written in plain Haskell: equation :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> a -> Bool equation x y = x < y && y < 100 && 0 <= x - 3 + 7 * y && (x == y || y + 20 == x + 30) Here's how I run the solver: res <- evalZ3With Nothing opts $ do x <- mkFreshIntVar "x" y <- mkFreshIntVar "y" PrimE ast <- runKleisli (runZ3Cat (ccc @Z3Cat (uncurry (equation @Int)))) (PairE (PrimE x) (PrimE y)) assertShow ast -- check and get solution fmap snd $ withModel $ \m -> catMaybes <$> mapM (evalInt m) [x, y] case res of Nothing -> error "No solution found." Just sol -> do putStrLn $ "Solution: " ++ show sol And here's the result, which also show you the equation we submitted to Z3: (let ((a!1 (ite (<= 0 (+ (- x!0 3) (* 7 y!1))) (ite (= x!0 y!1) true (= (+ y!1 20) (+ x!0 30))) false))) (ite (< x!0 y!1) (ite (< y!1 100) a!1 false) false)) Solution: [-8,2] Now with one function, I have either a predicate that I can use in Haskell code, or an input to Z3 for finding possible arguments for which it is true! ______________ [1]. [2].